S.E.K.H. - Acéphale CASSETTE

S.E.K.H.’s first offering Acéphale is a work of infuriating Industrial Black Metal, a compound of dissonant guitars and oppressive electronics that immerses the listener throughout its 17 minutes in a dismal and dissociative transfiguration of the unknown.
Divided into three movements, Acéphale’s subversive ordeal casts a beheaded conjuration unveiling the altered states of mankind’s desolation. A sonic torment evocative of the sounds of other hallucinatory Black Metal entities like Mysticum, Diapsiquir, Blut Aus Nord or Leviathan, although with its unique approach to the genre.
Cassette version comes with a handmade sleeve pro-printed in a 300gsm eco-nature textured paper that folds out into an inverted crucifix with OBI and PVC sleeve, strictly limited to an undisclosed amount of copies.